Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day

March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day!  

Several years ago I found out about this special day while working at our local YMCA. “Rock Your Socks”  is a day where people wear crazy and/or mismatched socks.  Why?  To start a conversation about down syndrome and let them know that People with Down syndrome have an inherent right to be accepted and included as valued and equal members of the community.

Rocks your socks for down syndrome awareness day
Rocks your socks for down syndrome awareness day

What is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome (or Trisomy 21) is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome, making them extra special!  This condition occurs naturally – there is no known cause.  Around 1 in every 800 babies will be born with Down syndrome.

Down syndrome usually causes varying degrees of intellectual and physical disability and associated medical issues.

The date for World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome, hence 3/21.

Rock your Socks!

Since learning about this special day, my daughter and I have Rocked Our Socks every March 21st.  It’s an easy and fun way to stop the stigma around Down Syndrome.  For kids, it’s a great conversation starter about how all people are special in different ways.  You can find a set of 3 mis-matched socks from the World Down Syndrome Day website. I’m not affiliated with them, but want to share the page to support them.

Rocks your socks for down syndrome awareness day
Rocks your socks for down syndrome awareness day

World Down Syndrome day is extra special now, I’ve have several friends who have welcomed an extra special person into their family.  These kids have so much love and joy to share with the world.  

Now what?

As an extra way to celebrate and create awareness, I’ve created a FREE coloring sheet commemorating World Down Syndrome Day.  Color it with your kids, or take a moment to relax with some me time. I love using colored pencils to get the colors and shading that I want.

Will you be Rocking Your Socks on March 21st?

Rocks your socks for down syndrome awareness day

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